Ordinal numbers englisch grundschule
Ordinal numbers worksheet Arbeitsblatt für das Fach Englisch Englisch Die Ordnungszahlen (The ordinal numbers) 1st first 11 th eleventh 21 st twenty-first 31 st thirty-first 2 nd second 12 th twelfth 22 nd twenty-second 40 th fortieth 3 rd third 13 th thirteenth 23 rd twenty-third 50 th fiftieth.
Ordinal numbers englisch übungen Ordinal Numbers – Free Exercise display incorrect answers Exercises Write the cardinal numbers as ordinal numbers (in words). twelve → one → thirty-five → ten → two → Write the date as a word. Nov 3 → Today is the of November. Feb 01 → Today is the of February. July 15 → Today is the of July. April 22 → Today is the of April.
Ordinalzahlen englisch übung online
one - first two - second three - third five - fifth eight - eighth nine - ninth twelve - twelfth In compound ordinal numbers, note that only the last figure is written as an ordinal number: st = four hundred and twenty-first 5,th = five thousand, one hundred and eleventh Figures.Ordnungszahlen englisch 1-31 Ordinal Numbers We use to talk about the "order" of things or to define a thing's position in a series. Note that after the numeral or digit, we write the last two letters of the word. For example, we take the last two letters of first and add them to the digit 1 to make 1st. Transcript: Well I placed a bet on a horse and I hoped it would win.